Own Your Greatness

Reclaim Your Autonomy

The key to fat loss is not following any one diet or exercise but taking ownership of your life.

Intuitively, we know that losing weight and transforming our bodies is bigger than just food or exercise. I help legends like you tap into the everyday behaviors and mindsets that dictate how you feel and teach you how to take ownership of your identity. From there you can build a new relationship with fitness, food, and ultimately, yourself. We’re all running our own marathons—let me show you how to wins yours, one habit/skill at a time.


Elevate You: A 12 Week Program To Reclaim Your Body, Health, & Mind.

When we take back control of the way we move, the food we put on our plates, the personal narratives that we allow to consume us, we dictate who we become and how we change the world around us.


My Story is Much Like Your Story.

I grew up as an overweight kid in a home rattled by divorce, using food as a crutch as the world around me collapsed. Then I picked up a basketball, studied biology… and everything changed.

“This is a man that has changed my life.”

—Amanda G.

Want To know 5 Nutrition Habits That Will Help You To Lose fat And Keep It Off?